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State synchronization



Snapshot is a binary representation of whole synchronized state. Snapshots are generated and serialized on the server-side, and sent to clients. The structure of a snapshot is described as follows:

  • Tick: number describing time quantum in which the snapshot was captured
  • Data: dictionary of binary data gathered from ElympicsBehaviours
    • key NetworkId: - int index
    • value Data: - binary chunk of data


ElympicsBehaviour represents a single object synchronized through the network between server and clients as a part of a snapshot. It is described by unique networkId assigned to it. It enables all Elympics components attached to its parent i.e.:

Basic components:

  • IObservable - empty base interface for everything else, classes implementing this will have ElympicsVars gathered
  • IInputHandler - inputs gathering, better described in the inputs section
  • IInitializable - initializing things right after Elympics initialization
  • IUpdatable - contains ElympicsUpdate method to advance game logic in deterministic way
  • ElympicsVar - all variables representing synchronized state contained in components

Advanced components:

  • IStateSerializationHandler - synchronizing non-ElympicsVar objects with network state
  • IClientHandler - client callbacks for client related actions
  • IServerHandler - server callbacks for game related actions
  • IBotHandler - bot callbacks for bot related actions
  • IReconciliationHandler - client reconciliation tweaks for local state altering e.g. force local camera rotation to stay in the same position even if server says otherwise

ElympicsBehaviour is a mandatory part of synchronized object through the network. It has to be included in every GameObject you want to synchronize or instantiate (root GameObject of Prefab). Also remember that every networkId has to be unique!


ElympicsMonoBehaviour is a class deriving from Unity MonoBehaviour and implementing IObservable interface. It's meant to be used whenever there is need to have synchronized GameObject.

Using ElympicsMonoBehaviour automatically adds ElympicsBehaviour component to the GameObject if it's not present (which, as stated before, is mandatory for any state synchronization). As ElympicsMonoBehaviour implements IObservable interface, its ElympicsVars are synchronized.

ElympicsMonoBehaviour gives you access to many utility properties and methods such as:

  • PredictableFor - returns player who can predic corresponding ElympicsBehaviour; often used as ownership indicator
  • Elympics.Player - returns player object related to current game session; identifies current "me"
  • Elympics.IsServer, Elympics.IsClient, Elympics.IsBot - booleans indicating if current game instance is respectively Server, Client or Bot
  • Elympics.Tick - returns current Tick number, moment in time from game beginning
  • Elympics.TickDuration - indicates how much time in seconds single Tick takes
  • Elympics.TicksPerSecond - indicates how many Ticks happen in one second
  • ElympicsBehaviour - returns corresponding ElympicsBehaviour, which among others gives access to TryGetInput(...) method
  • ElympicsInstantiate(...), ElympicsDestroy(...) - for dynamic creation and deletion of objects
  • Elympics.Disconnect() - disconnects player from the match (available on Client only)
  • Elympics.EndGame(...) - finalizes a match (mandatory, available on Server only); by default handled by the DefaultServerHandler

Note that if you don't need mentioned properties and methods in given GameObject, ElympicsMonoBehaviour itself isn't required to make synchronization work, but it prevents you from forgetting about adding ElympicsBehaviour and IObservable.


It's a base class for all variables shared between clients and server e.g. ElympicsInt, ElympicsVector3 etc. They're used to:

  • hold underlying synchronized variables (respectively int, Vector3 etc.)
  • serialize and deserialize those variables into binary snapshot
  • check if value has changed over time
  • check if local predicted state matches the data received from server

There are strict requirements for ElympicsVar to be synchronized correctly:

  • it must be initialized correctly
  • it must be an instance field accessible within a class implementing IObservable interface
    • inherited accessible (public or protected) fields of base classes are synchronized
    • inaccessible (private) fields of base classes aren't synchronized
    • ElympicsVar properties aren't synchronized
    • static fields aren't synchronized
  • the class script must be attached as a component to a game object containing Elympics Behaviour.

Serialization / Deserialization


Mainly used on Server to collect state and send it to players. Also called on Clients with prediction turned on to save predicted state for further comparison.

The snapshot is collected in the following manner:

  • ElympicsSystem - (Client, Server or Bot) - GetSnapshot
  • ElympicsBehaviourManager - iterating over ElympicsBehaviours in networkId ascending order
  • ElympicsBehaviour - calling Serialize over ElympicsVars and collecting all byte data into a single array.


Used only on Clients to apply incoming data from Server. The snapshot is applied in the following manner:

  • ElympicsSystem - (Client, Server or Bot) - 2 cases whether Client has enabled prediction
    • Without prediction
      • ElympicsBehaviourManager - iterating over ElympicsBehaviours in networkId ascending order
      • ElympicsBehaviour - calling Deserialize over ElympicsVars.
    • With prediction
      • Checking if predicted state is correct, if it's not correct then
        • ElympicsBehaviourManager - iterating over Predictable ElympicsBehaviours in networkId ascending order
        • ElympicsBehaviour - calling deserialize over ElympicsVars.
      • ElympicsBehaviourManager - iterating over Not Predictable ElympicsBehaviours in networkId ascending order
      • ElympicsBehaviour - calling Deserialize over ElympicsVars.
      • Applying predicted input

Initializing ElympicsVars

ElympicsVars can be initialized in 2 ways, statically or using Initialize.


ElympicsVars must be initialized at the end of Initialize at the latest! Otherwise exception will be thrown.


Simple static assign in class field

private readonly ElympicsInt                 _ticksAlive     = new ElympicsInt(10);
private readonly ElympicsArray<ElympicsBool> _playerAccepted = new ElympicsArray<ElympicsBool>(5, () => new ElympicsBool(false));


It requires class to implement IInitializable interface for Initialize method.

public class TemplateBehaviour : ElympicsMonoBehaviour, IInitializable
[SerializeField] private ElympicsBehaviour[] multipleGameObjectReferences;

private ElympicsArray<ElympicsBool> _playerAccepted = null;
private ElympicsList<ElympicsGameObject> _listWithElympicsGameObjects = null;

public void Initialize()
int numberOfPlayers = ElympicsConfig.Load().GetCurrentGameConfig().Players;
_playerAccepted = new ElympicsArray<ElympicsBool>(numberOfPlayers, () => new ElympicsBool(false));

_listWithElympicsGameObjects = new ElympicsList<ElympicsGameObject>(() => new ElympicsGameObject(null));
foreach (var behaviour in multipleGameObjectReferences)
_listWithElympicsGameObjects.Add().Value = behaviour;

Available types


  • ElympicsBool
  • ElympicsInt
  • ElympicsFloat
  • ElympicsString
  • ElympicsGameObject


  • ElympicsVector2
  • ElympicsVector3
  • ElympicsQuaternion


  • ElympicsArray
  • ElympicsList


It's an event called after the value of ElympicsVar changes (taking accuracy tolerance into account).

ValueChanged isn't fired instantly but only after states becomes consistent – at the start of a tick, after receiving inputs, before calling ElympicsUpdates.

Possibility of skipping changes

There's always a possibility that ValueChanged won't be fired on Client, even if the value has changed on server. The reason is not all snapshots reach clients. Some of them may be skipped too, e.g. when two snapshots arrive in the same time, only the newer one is handled. Don't make your crucial logic dependent on these events. For example there is a chance that your not-predicted ElympicsInt incremented in every tick jumps from 1 to 3 instead jumping from 1 to 2 to 3 etc.

Changing values of other ElympicsVars in ValueChanged

Be careful when modifying values of ElympicsVars inside ValueChanged callbacks. It is not defined if the change is processed in the same tick or in the next one. The previous value of the modified variable can also be lost in the process. This behavior is to be fixed in future releases of our SDK.

private readonly ElympicsFloat _timerForDelay  = new ElympicsFloat();

private void Awake()
_timerForDelay.ValueChanged += OnValueChanged;

private void OnValueChanged(float lastValue, float newValue)
if (lastValue <= 0 && newValue > 0)

Prebuilt Synchronizers

Reusable components to synchronize non-trival objects using Elympics.

How it works is explained later on this page here.

They can be added manually or through buttons in ElympicsBehaviour and respective components are required on the same GameObject.



Simply synchonizing property.


Used to synchronize Transform parameters such as:

  • localPosition
  • localScale
  • localRotation


Used to synchronize RigidBody parameters such as:

  • position
  • rotation
  • velocity
  • angularVelocity
  • mass
  • drag
  • angularDrag
  • useGravity

Don't synchronize RigidBody and Transform together, because it's killer for performance.


Used to synchronize RigidBody2D parameters such as:

  • position
  • rotation
  • velocity
  • angularVelocity
  • drag
  • angularDrag
  • inertia
  • mass
  • gravityScale

Don't synchronize RigidBody2D and Transform together, because it's killer for performance.

Coding principles


These are the most important rules for state programming and should always be followed!**


Remember, all variables affecting the gameplay have to be synchronized using ElympicsVars or be closely linked to them!

Simple variables affecting gameplay have to be synchronized

Lets take a look into snake game with random apple position. The player can't see it because only server are choosing its position using Random, and he will think that the apple is always at the (0,0) position.

private Vector2 applePosition =;
private bool isEaten;

public void ElympicsUpdate()
// Server authoritive decision
if (Elympics.IsServer) {
if (isEaten) {
applePosition = new Vector2(Random.Range(-10.0f, 10.0f));
isEaten = false;

It will be a surprise for him if he eats an apple but does not get a point! Solution for this problem is to synchronize variables.

Other variables affecting gameplay have to be closely linked to ElympicsVars

Lets take a look on example similar to previous one. We are gonna move player (change his transform.position) using input, and we forgot to add ElympicsTransformSynchronizer to player GameObject.

No transform sync

public void ElympicsUpdate()
if (!ElympicsBehaviour.TryGetInput(PredictableFor, out var inputReader))

inputReader.Read(out var vMove);
inputReader.Read(out var hMove);

transform.localPosition += new Vector2(hMove, vMove);

Even if the position would be correct for the first ticks in the matter of time and some indeterministic events the position as viewed by the player will differ more and more from what is on the server.

There is no elegant solution for 2 predictables contact

In this case we are going to analyze what happens when player affects other player behaviour.

Player colliding with other player

Both players have ElympicsRigidBodySynchronizer, and we can predict physics in our game. When we collide with others there will be some inaccuracy in position prediction, like on this diagram:

A->   B
A-> B
A-> B

This happens because the position of the colliding enemy cannot be predicted by us and therefore we have to wait for server acknowlegment of position change. Then we can observe some bigger jump in position change - it depends on latency with server our client experiences.

Player hitting other player
public void ElympicsUpdate()
if (!ElympicsBehaviour.TryGetInput(PredictableFor, out var inputReader))

inputReader.Read(out int chosenPlayerForLightningAttack);

players[chosenPlayerForLightningAttack].hp -= 10;

In this case, the HP indicator will show us altered value on our game client, but just for one tick and then when server acknowledge us about the change:

100 -> 90 -> 100 -> 100 -> 90 -> 90 -> 90

It is good idea to make things like this not predictable (put into different ElympicsBehaviour with Predictable for set to None). Client would experience less stuttering in his actions, and feedback about hp change doesn't have to be instant.

Be careful mixing predictable and unpredictable code

Common problem, when creating lots of dependent ElympicsBehaviours.

If you create multiple scripts e.g. one for controlling player and input and one for spawn point be careful if they are predictable to the same player. Otherwise actions from predictable script which call methods from unpredictable scripts can make the game stuttering.

// PlayerInputController - *Predictable for players*
public void ElympicsUpdate()
if (!ElympicsBehaviour.TryGetInput(PredictableFor, out var inputReader))

inputReader.Read(out bool setSpawn);
inputReader.Read(out bool spawn);

if (setSpawn)

if (spawn)
transform.localPosition = spawnController.GetSpawnPoint();

// SpawnController - *Unpredictable*
private ElympicsVector3 spawnPoint = new ElympicsVector3();
{/* Other players spawn points */}

public void SetSpawnPoint(Vector3 newSpawnPoint)
spawnPoint.Value = newSpawnPoint;

public Vector3 GetSpawnPoint()
return spawnPoint.Value;

Doing Spawn in the next few ticks would teleport player to old spawn point, because SetSpawnPoint will be overriden by recently received server snapshot and set to correct when this information make round trip between client and server. After spawn point change, the client has to correct his position and make additional teleport.


Try not to mix predictable code with unpredictable one until you have to. But if you have to, it has to be rare interaction or your clients will suffer very stuttering gameplay.


All NetworkIds of ElympicsBehaviours has to be unique.

Keep in mind that they also describe execution order of all methods called by Elympics like ElympicsUpdate or Initialize. You can read more about this here.

If you want to check order of ElympicsBehaviour there is a button in Elympics GameObject - Refresh Elympics Behaviours.

NetworkId can be set to custom in ElympicsBehaviour component but it has to be unique.

In case of any problems with NetworkIds there is an option Tools -> Elympics -> Reset Networkd Ids.




Synchronized reference

  • ElympicsGameObject and underlying NetworkId
  • Elympics.TryGetBehaviour


  • player with ownership
  • instant feedback on state with cached inputs


  • server data intended only for one of the players
  • not seen synchronized reference with bad design

Optimizing snapshots size

  • turning off synchronizer parts like ElympicsRigidBodySynchronizer component -> inertia -> tick
  • ElympicsBehaviour component -> StateUpdateFrequency - will be included in snapshot less often with not changing variables

Accuracy tolerance

  • ElympicsRigidBodySynchronizer component -> Position -> Tolerance
  • adapting tolerance to e.g. position change on big map
  • less reconciliations based on indeterminism on collisions
  • Comparers implementations, how to check if equals in given tolerance

Creating your own synchronizer

  • IStateSerializationHandler
  • case study of rigidbody synchronizer