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Package Samples

Some of our sample resources are downloadable inside the Unity Editor. They are minimalistic projects showcasing some of our features. The samples can be used as a learning example or as a basic setup in the prototyping phase of your game.

To find them, go to Package Manager -> Elympics -> Samples.

Then click Import button next to the sample of your choice.

If it contains a Gameplay scene, remember to add the attached Elympics Game Config to the list in the Manage games in Elympics window and choose it as the active game.

Samples location


If you want to make changes on the Gameplay scene and be able to upload your own builds, register your own game in the Elympics panel and change GameConfig in Tools -> Elympics -> Manage games in Elympics in Unity.

Available samples

Simple MenuMenu sceneSimple menu scene with implemented matchmaking, all play modes and available games choose buttons.
EmptyGameplay sceneEmpty project with Elympics included on scene.
Button ClickerGameplay sceneClicker-type game for 1-4 players. (Remember to set the player count in game config and used queue name to p1/p2/p3/p4.)
Tech DemoGameplay sceneSample with 2 players moving and throwing instantiable balls.
Match eventsBoth scenesA sample to illustrate the lifecycle of Elympics match.
EGB testBoth scenesA sample for checking response data from External Game Backend.
Leaderboard testOtherA sample to illustrate usage of leaderboards. (Works only if your game has generated any leaderboard data.)