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Getting Started

To create a game with Elympics, you need to know some key concepts in server authoritative multiplayer gameplay. Once you deploy your game to Elympics, it'll be launched in our cloud at the same time with your players. This means that you only have to create your game code once, and we'll do the hard work of synchronization. It's worth reading more in the basics article.


  1. Installation
    Elympics SDK is publicly available through our git repository and can be easily added to your project using Unity Package Manager. Note that we support Unity 2021.3 and above.
  2. Setup Connect a game to your Elympics account and add Elympics object to your gameplay scene.
  3. Develop and test You are ready to start development! Don't fall into the trap of creating a single player game and then changing it to a multiplayer one. Jump straight into multiplayer development beginning with the Half Remote development mode.
  4. Build, test and release Once your game has any features ready to test online, proceed with uploading a server build to our cloud. Use Unity Editor or your actual target build with the Debug Online Player development mode enabled to play the game in a production-like environment. Another possibility is using a menu scene with integrated matchmaking. Remember to update and test your cloud builds relatively often since Half Remote cannot imitate production environment perfectly and behaviors can slightly differ. Iterating this way, you will finally possess a complete build, ready for publishing!

Learning resources

To get a grasp on networking theory we recommend reading our Concepts articles.
To learn both fundamentals and details how to use our Unity SDK, go to Guide section.

You can also see Elympics SDK in action choosing from our tutorials or project samples: